Testing is available through our partnership with FLSmidth. Capabilities and Unit Operations at FLS Whitehall R&D include the following:
- Pyroprocessing:
- Rotary Systems (Kiln, Dryers)
- Gas Suspension System (Calciners, Dryers)
- Fluidized Beds (Dryers, Inert Bed)
- Packed Bed
- Combustion Chambers
- Crushing/Milling
- Ball and Vertical Mills
- Classifier
- Crushers (Jaw, Roll, “Abon”)
- Bond Testing (Ball, Abrasion, Impact)
- Chemical Assays
- Physical Properties
- Gaseous Emissions
Available Unit Operations
- 0.3m x 4.6m Rotary Kiln
- Refractory Lined
- Capacity: 15-35 kg/h
- 1450°C Maximum
- Solids Residence Time: 0.5-3 hours
- Fuel: gas, liquid, solid
- Adjustable Speed/Slope
- Onboard Air or Fuel Injection

- 0.9m x 15.2m Rotary Kiln
- Refractory lined
- Capacity: 100-250 kg/h
- 1450°C maximum
- Solids residence time: 0.5-5 hours
- Fuel: gas, liquid, solid
- Adjustable speed
- Onboard air or fuel injection
- Sub- or super- stochiometric firing
- Precalciner & cyclone preheating
- Bag filter, wet scrubber, & ID fan

- 0.46m x 3.7m Rotary Dryer
- Stainless steel
- Capacity: 100-250 kg/h
- Maximum inlet temperature: 1200°C
- Solids residence time: 10-45 minutes
- Fuel: gas, liquid, solid
- Bag filter & ID fan

- 0.15m Flash Dryer
- Stainless steel
- Capacity: 25-100 kg/h
- Maximum gas outlet: 700°C
- Gas residence time: 0.5-1 seconds
- Collection cyclone
- Bag filter
- Fuel: gas, liquid, solid

- 0.3m x 1m Batch Rotary Kiln
- Refractory lined
- Capacity: 5-15 kg
- Maximum: 1450°C
- Fuel: gas
- Atmosphere: oxidizing or reducing
- Online sampling

- 0.075m Flash Calciner
- Stainless steel
- Capacity: 2-10 kg/h
- Maximum 1150°C
- Gas residence time: < 1 sec.
- Multi-stage fuel injection
- Fuel: Propane
- Bag filter & ID Fan

- 0.15m Flash Calciner
- Refractory Lined
- Capacity: 10-25 kg/h
- Maximum: 1550°C
- Gas residence time: 1.5-2.5 sec.
- Multistage fuel injection
- Fuel: gas, liquid, solid
- Collection cyclone, bag filter, & ID fan

- 0.35m 3-Stage Flash Calciner
- Refractory Lined
- 2 Preheat cyclones
- Capacity: 100-250 kg/h
- Maximum: 1450°C
- Gas residence time: <1.5s
- Multistage fuel injection
- Fuel: gas, liquid, solid
- Bag filter, wet scrubber, ID fan

- 0.61m Flash Calciner
- Refractory Lined
- Up to 3 preheat cyclones
- Capacity: 200-500 kg/h
- Maximum: 1450°C
- Gas residence time: < 1.5 sec.
- Multistage Fuel Injection
- Fuel: gas, liquid, solid
- Bag filter, wet scrubber, ID Fan

Material Preparation Unit Operations
- Packed Bed Preheater

- 1m x 1.5m Dry Grinding Ball Mill
- Single compartment
- Open- or closed-circuit operation
- Capacity: 100-300 kg/h
- Dynamic classifier
- Bag filter, ID fan

- Low-Speed Sizer (Abon)

- Hammer Mill Dryer

- Agglomeration
- Disc pellitizers
- 0.3m: 2-10 kg/h
- 1m: 25-100 kg/h
- Extruder
- 50-150 kg/h
- 5 die options
- Pin pelletizer
- 25-100 kg/h
- Disc pellitizers

- Physical Analyses
- Bulk density
- Angle of repose (AOR)
- Specific gravity
- Moisture & drying rate
- Particle size: Sieve, “Air Jet”, & laser
- specific surface area (BET, Blaine)
- Lime hydration reactivity (ASTM & GOST)
- Limestone strength
- Bond ball mill grindability
- Bond crushability
- Unconfirmed compressive strength
- Abrasion index
- Furnace sticking tests
- Fluidization analysis
- Chemical Analyses
- Elemental
- Atomic Absorption
- X-Ray Fluorescence (fused bead, pressed pellet, or powder)
- Lithium acid and water solubility
- Vanadium water solubility
- Sulfur speciation and removal
- Organic and inorganic carbon
- Available CaO (ASTM & GOST)
- Nickel speciation
- Iron speciation
- Chrome metallization
- Total phosphorus and reactivity
- Laboratory emissions analysis (including FTIR)
- Elemental
- Lab Furnaces
- Tube furnaces (1250°C max.), 2x
- Muffle furnace (1200°C), programmable
- Fast heat-up furnace (1400°C max.), programmable
- Smelting furnace (1700°C max.)
- Electric rotary tube furnace (3-zone, 1450°C max.)